MAMA ROSELINE is an elderly woman living in one of the rural settlements surrounding Sapele, her feet and hands have been deformed by leprosy disease. She had suffered for many years due to her disease and the stigma placed on her by her community. She was abandoned and uncared for because of the stigma associated with her ailment and could not work or engage in any form of income generating venture because no one wanted to come close to her, because they were afraid of contamination . Our arrival to provide her relief materials and food items left her overwhelmed with gratitude.The COVID 19 rural relief project was supported by LEAPAFRICA, DOW and CITI.·MR and MRS FAKA STEPHEN live in a small apartment in a slum settlement in Sapele local government area, both of they are a married couple both blind from birth, in the wake of COVID 19 their already difficult life became more challenging as they were struggling to raise and care for their four children under their circumstances. Our team provided relief materials and food items to them to provide support in these dire times.The couple was full of appreciation to our sponsors for the support received and thanked us for sensitizing them on the safety measures against the COVID 19 pandemic. He was moved by our gesture and has committed to sensitizing other people in his community sensitize about the pandemic.The COVID 19 rural relief project was supported by LEAPAFRICA, DOW and CITI.BOSE ERUEWU is a young uneducated mother, …