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Donation Total: $100.00

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Donation Total: $100.00

EDUCATION WITHOUT BORDERS INITIATIVEIn the last 3 years RUDERF NGO has worked in partnership with Union Bank of Nigeria to implement strategic programs that would improve the quality of education in Igbodo community but on the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic, we like other social development organizations, had to rethink our model towards ensuring continuous learning of Igbodo children and innovatively develop new ways to impact the communities that we serve.The pandemic has unmasked substantial inequities in the education sector and though various stakeholders are working tirelessly to create balance, families that earn below $2 per day, face harsh economic realities that excludes them from available solutions.The purchase of radios, TV, generators or fuel to power their homes to access digital learning initiatives for their children is a tradeoff they cannot afford. Hence, our community based mobile library / book club is a sustainable and efficient way of getting learning resources and materials to the homes of underserved children. The education without borders initiative was born out of this need; it is a program that delivers subject based and personal development books to underserved children at home, to ensure they have materials and resources for continuous learning...Despite the limitations and setbacks COVID-19 has brought to education globally, through the Education without Borders project, we are committed to ensuring all children despite environmental and social limitations, have access to books and learning materials to aid continuous learning. Most children from low income homes can barely boast of owning a single …


In the last 3 years RUDERF NGO has worked in partnership with Union Bank of Nigeria to implement strategic programs that would improve the quality of education in Igbodo community but on the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic, we like other social development organizations, had to rethink our model towards ensuring continuous learning of Igbodo children and innovatively develop new ways to impact the communities that we serve.

The pandemic has unmasked substantial inequities in the education sector and though various stakeholders are working tirelessly to create balance, families that earn below $2 per day, face harsh economic realities that excludes them from available solutions.

The purchase of radios, TV, generators or fuel to power their homes to access digital learning initiatives for their children is a tradeoff they cannot afford. Hence, our community based mobile library / book club is a sustainable and efficient way of getting learning resources and materials to the homes of underserved children. The education without borders initiative was born out of this need; it is a program that delivers subject based and personal development books to underserved children at home, to ensure they have materials and resources for continuous learning..


Despite the limitations and setbacks COVID-19 has brought to education globally, through the Education without Borders project, we are committed to ensuring all children despite environmental and social limitations, have access to books and learning materials to aid continuous learning. Most children from low income homes can barely boast of owning a single text book or prescribed literature for school work, many possess only a few note books to write on at school. Hence, having access to academic books, literature and other reading materials at no cost is a huge opportunity for them to learn.

The Education without Borders initiative is delivered by committed Community Education Champions, who defile all odds to deliver books to the homes of underserved students. Our goal is to create opportunities for 1000 students to access educational materials required for curricular and extra curricula studies easily and ensure that every child has access to resources for learning amidst COVID.

Through our community based Education champions, all children can become members of our book club and access diverse books from our fully updated library.


The Education without Borders project served children from Igbodo and neighboring communities, and it especially benefitted students who were preparing for senior and junior WAEC exams. The library was stocked with curricula text books alongside non curricula materials and games to stimulate their learning capacities.

We are proud to announce that so far through the Education without Borders, with the support of Nigeria’s number 1 transformational bank Union bank of Nigeria PLC we are making a difference, one community at a time. rural education project helped over 700 children from low income homes, access books and learning materials from the safety of their homes through our cost effective and affordable solution. Through the Education without Borders Project, over 1000 books have been delivered to Igbodo students who have no access to learning materials, giving them a better chance of excelling in the ongoing national certificate examinations. The Education without Borders program, is also serving students from low income homes, writing the ongoing WAEC exams in Igbodo community, with access to books and past questions to help them excel.

Our Education champions continue to deliver books to their homes against all odds. The Education without borders program recorded over 600 children registered in the book club, giving them access to over 1000 books, ranging from curricula to extracurricular books. Our goal was to reach 1000 children in Igbodo community, ensuring that they are equipped for learning and personal development amidst COVID limitations.


Hannah Uzor

Lives with her grandmother in Igbodo, and in the wake of COVID with the lockdown forcing all schools to shut down, Hannah had no access to books and she was preparing for the junior WAEC, she relied on using the school library and her teachers lesson to study prior to the pandemic.

She had no choice than to resume farming with her grandmother while waiting for schools to resume but with the launch of the EWB project her problem was solved. She had books delivered to her home and was able to prepare for her exams. She is sure of doing very well, thanks to the Education without Borders Project.

Thanks to #Union Bank of Nigeria Plc we are creating change one community at a time.


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