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Donation Total: $100.00

RUDERF Hosts National Youth Policy Dialogue to Empower Youth Participation in Policy Making

The Federal Ministry of Youth Development has commenced a review process of the 2009 National Youth Policy to which a draft has been written. RUDERF in partnership with Youthhubafrica served as a volunteer to host Policy Dialogues in our state of operation, Delta – State bringing together Communities to collate youth’s opinions as it reflects their realities. This Policy Dialogues had a wide representation of a 15-20 Youth Leaders in their respective locations and strived to maintain gender balance.The Youth Policy Dialogue seeks to influence the ongoing review of the 2009 National Youth Policy, by generating youth participation, hopefully creating a sense of ownership as well as making critical demands for the full implementation of the National Youth Policy. The dialogue was held across all six geo political zones by several youth led organizations across Nigeria. The dialogue hosted by RUDERF had representatives of youth in various sectors of the community in an extensive discussion and debate of the 2009 policy and the current draft of 2016, highlighting its short comings and strengths and also collated suggestions and recommendations for better policy making and effective monitoring of implementation. At the end of the summit it was evident that youth across Nigeria are concerned about the policies being made and are ready and geared towards taking responsibility through involvement in policy making and implementation process monitoring and evaluation.

The Federal Ministry of Youth Development has commenced a review process of the 2009 National Youth Policy to which a draft has been written. RUDERF in partnership with Youthhubafrica served as a volunteer to host Policy Dialogues in our state of operation, Delta – State bringing together Communities to collate youth’s opinions as it reflects their realities. This Policy Dialogues had a wide representation of a 15-20 Youth Leaders in their respective locations and strived to maintain gender balance.
The Youth Policy Dialogue seeks to influence the ongoing review of the 2009 National Youth Policy, by generating youth participation, hopefully creating a sense of ownership as well as making critical demands for the full implementation of the National Youth Policy. The dialogue was held across all six geo political zones by several youth led organizations across Nigeria. The dialogue hosted by RUDERF had representatives of youth in various sectors of the community in an extensive discussion and debate of the 2009 policy and the current draft of 2016, highlighting its short comings and strengths and also collated suggestions and recommendations for better policy making and effective monitoring of implementation. At the end of the summit it was evident that youth across Nigeria are concerned about the policies being made and are ready and geared towards taking responsibility through involvement in policy making and implementation process monitoring and evaluation.

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