The ECW is an advocacy initiative of RUDERF designed to advocate for exclusive and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for people living in rural community. To create national awareness and spark national conversation on the state of education in rural communities towards improving the quality of education for all. Utilizing technology and innovation in improving education standard in rural communities. Our mode of operation is carried out in the following stages:
MEDIA CAMPAIGN: The Education Cannot Wait Media Campaign, this included an all out campaign utilizing social media platforms and telemedia, radio and print media to promote the campaign in major towns and villages within the South – South region of Nigeria, specifically Delta state
RURAL COMMUNITY SENSITIZATION: Rural Communities are the direct beneficiaries of the Education Cannot Wait campaign and in the bid to have an inclusive campaign we had an inter phase with local traditional rulers, chiefs and elders in order to ensure they contribute to the educational development of their communities. The agenda was to discuss the challenges in the educational sector and collectively proffer sustainable solutions including. all stakeholders.
The Education Cannot Wait Campaign walk is organized to sensitize the public on the ongoing campaign to promote and increase education statistics in rural areas and enlighten the people on the roles of education in community development and the intricate roles of individuals and stake holders in ensuring education is priority for all.
SCHOOL OUTREACH: The school outreach phase aimed at engaging the children in talks and learning exercises geared towards increasing their interest levels in education and helping realize its importance and role in self-development, actualization and relevance to society in the future. The campaign also focused on providing aid and support through distribution of school supplies to support learning activities and encourage the children and parents to continue to strive towards education.